They are now on the blog

Posted on July 29, 2009. Filed under: all | Tags: |

Hi friends, I have no idea to post right now but I just want to share that in recent days more and more friends are coming to the blogogsphere . Amelia for example, she is a friend of mine and now blogging on her own domain losaria and also keep posting on her previous blogspot blog titled losari notes.

There are many reason for people to start blogging, and there are many other reason to stay on the blog as well as to stop blogging. Alicia was stop posting on her blog for some time when she was busy on other things, but now she continue writing. The same reason for andrea the digital inspiration to come again to the blog.

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�Perfect for busy shoppers looking for a quick break��

if anyone needs any proof that our country is doomed, it is the fact that ANYONE even knows the name of this useless dingbat. knowing of her existence is bad enough, but the fact that there are throngs of people who voluntarily follow this perosn is nauseating. we are done as a country. done.

I�m not sure how �quick� that break is likely to be�

Tabs you’re the prettiest girl in the world what I know you are so unique and I wish I could be friends with you: o Oha I ok now sounds as if I were a small child that has no friends, but as a human like you have to find one for now. Tabs are really hammer your eyes and your? hair even more so. I’m from Germany and I hope now for half a year, you give me respond. I is collecting silly Bandz and my favorite SpongeBob and Patrick. Please Answer me again:) I like like to chat with you.

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